Most of my friends know that I’ve been ill, going in and out of hospital for the last several years. At last, I’m well enough to start a new programme of talks and events, to promote my books and return to my Dickens ‘stuff.’ The purpose of this message is only to say that I
Tag: Chapel Royal
On May 8, 1945, German forces occupying the Channel Islands announced that the war was over. That afternoon, Winston Churchill broadcast these words to the Islands: “Hostilities will end officially at one minute after midnight tonight, but in the interests of saving lives the “Cease fire” began yesterday to be sounded all along the front,
At The Tower of London, the Chaplain, Canon Roger Hall, personally took the initiative at Easter, by proudly wearing a magnificent cope called ‘Profane To Sacred’ during The Easter Day State Service at the Chapel Royal. Canon Hall said he felt deeply honoured and that other church ministers will also use it to emphasise the
This important office complex is situated next to St Katharine Docks, on the site of part of the old London Docks. The owners decided to rebrand the estate and to create a new image, so have renamed it Moretown, and are investing substantially to improve and modernise the facilities. While achieving all this change, they
Lent ends on the Thursday before Easter Sunday, and during this period, the alter is dressed as above. Canon Chaplain Roger Hall had the cross made shortly after his arrival at the Tower, and each year talks about the symbolism of the True Cross, as well as the purple robe of mockery, the nails, the
The Tower takes this bad weather in its stride, just as it has never cancelled the ancient Ceremony Of The Keys in the past hundreds of years. This has certainly been the coldest weather I have experienced there, yet on Sunday it was still smiles and humour from the Yeoman Warders and other staff as